Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Home Help: Laundry

There are some household tasks that bring a moment of peace. I can find some measure of this with my hands in warm water, washing dishes, or vacuuming. I know everyone feels differently about various household duties, but putting away laundry is not one that brings joy to my heart.
A friend very simply adjusted my perspective once while I was complaining about the dreaded laundry when she asked, "but you're thankful for clothes to wash and a washing machine, right?"
Ouch- I hadn't thought about being thankful for those things! I can't imagine not having clean clothing for my children to wear.

One of the laundry tips from Like Mother, Like Daughter is simple too, "have fewer clothes." I know that my closet would benefit from a purging! 
Another thing that helps bring order to laundry issues is having a plan of attack. If you find yourself surrounded by piles of laundry then you may need to change something about your process. 

This is how I changed my process to help cut down on the piles of laundry: 
1. I identified the problem. My problem was piles of clean laundry getting wrinkled but not put away.
2. I made a small change. I promised myself that I would fold the dry clothes right away in order to empty the dryer for another load of clothes. (The overall goal is to put the folded clothes away immediately, but honestly that doesn't happen all the time! It is easier to grab a pile of folded clothes as I walk by and get it put away than if the pile was a jumble of wrinkled clothes in a laundry basket.)

My attitude toward tasks I find boring or distasteful can make all the difference in the world. I can choose to consider the mundane tasks a joy and an offering of worship to my God. I think with continued practice this choice can become more of a habit. 

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